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From next year, costs associated with the electricity system will decrease and gas prices will remain almost stable

The Energy Authority has decided that the system charges that affect the price of electricity will fall sharply starting from next year. We are talking about an average decrease of 16.7 percent, which will then depend on the supplier, the nature of the subscription and the distribution area. This decrease has been made possible thanks to government actions, which will also be able to cover energy transportation costs. In contrast, the price of gas charges will increase by an average of 1.7 percent, which will depend on the nature of consumption and the distribution area.

High electricity prices in the markets are also reflected in the expenses of the regulated component and for technical losses generated in the electricity system during distribution. Electricity price growth continues to be reflected in the share of regulated payments in the total price, despite the cap on the market component.

Also in the gas industry, the greatest pressure on the growth of the regulated component has been the price of the material, which is used to cover technical losses in the system. The amount of the regulated component is also affected by the amount of gas consumption. In contrast, system maintenance expenses do not decrease as consumption decreases. Distribution companies and the transmission system must continue to invest not only in maintenance but also in gas system development to ensure reliability and secure supply.

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